Every year we put all our thoughts and styles in our seatwork. So its for sure there will always pop up some wild creations, like our gator seats or mexican serape combos. When we came up with an idea for a new seat project we always have in mind to use seat materials which do no punish our environment. Also its clear we do not use real gator skin for our top seller gator line seats. But look close it looks so real, and we try to bring out both versions the still popular pivotal and tripod versions, so you have the choice. Our seat combos like the mexican serapes were great projects too, we not only wanted to print a mexican pattern, thats why we contacted some original mexican serape producers in mexico. A good friend helped us and we let em hand woven over in mexico and imported em to make our seats. So every combo is different and a unique piece of art. These are limited numbers, so better grab one. If you want to check our current full line of seats go and check it here